
I am enjoying the new views! I look out my friend Ginger’s office window and tonight there was the most beautiful sunset as I sat down to write this. I love to take time out to appreciate the simple things. The view of the Bay towards Sausalito, the sound of the train, which I haven’t heard since I lived in Long Beach in the early 70s, and finding out where all the stores are!

And then, I’m getting ready to move again in another week! I’m going back to my own neighborhood and will be spending the next three months tying up loose ends and getting ready for the big move to Belize!

I’ve been doing a singles teleseminar every day for the month with my partner Bill Ellingsworth and it’s been an amazing experience. I’ve had a chance to meet the most amazing authors, talk show hosts and consultants. We’ve heard every opinion about every dating topic there is and if you’d like to hear a bit about them you can download this link. SinglesSpotlight

The exercise has taken me to a new level of understanding and communication skills that will always come in handy.