I was reminded this week how often I have opportunities to honor others. Whether it’s a simple compliment, listening intently, offering suggestions or looking for connections to make their business easier.
I love that it only takes a bit of conscious effort to help someone have a better day or generate more business just because of my effort.
I know it’s part of my basic personality and I love that it comes to me so naturally. I have also been able to teach others how to recognize ways of helping each other. It’s a blast to be a part of other’s success.
So when someone emails or phones me because they need something for their business I always have an available resource through previous contacts. But I never quit making new contacts.
I went to an event a week ago and met about twelve people I had never seen before. I followed up with each of them and one turned out to be a great contact for me to do an interview on his radio program. I was able to help him learn a couple of techniques for his website to make it gain higher rankings.
Another is in the coffee franchise business and I was able to introduce both him and his business partner to a number of concepts that will help their team become more productive.
There’s a never ending resource of things I find I can do to help others, just by paying attention to what they might need.
Please take a moment to focus on the healthy and complete recovery of Bret Michaels