My Africa Story – 4

I called the US Embassy, the State Department, the Ghanaian Embassy and anyone else I could think of, but no one would respond. I’m sure they though I was just a hysterical female. I flew back to San Francisco devastated. On July 25th I got the third call from the man with the accent. I asked, … Read more

My Africa Story – 3

I waited the entire weekend, Friday, Saturday and Sunday! But the phone call didn’t happen. On Sunday evening after six, Fred’s mother called and asked me to go to Lafayette, call her with a pay phone number and to wait for Fred to call me there. After I called her, I waited for slightly more … Read more

My Africa Story – 2

While in Ghana, Fred witnessed many children who were malnourished. Many of the children had distended stomachs. To fill them up they ate a steady diet of tofu and it bloated their tummies. Fred arranged to buy two of the irrigation systems and had them shipped to Ghana by early-June. He spent two weeks researching … Read more

My Africa Story

I raced to catch the phone before it stopped ringing and caught it on the third ring! “Will you marry me?” the caller asked. “Who is this?” I asked laughing. It was such a relief to hear Fred’s voice. He had been gone for four weeks and had planned to be gone for two. I felt … Read more