
Friday evening, my friend Jerry Hart and I stopped in Oakland to pick up some fresh crab, portabella mushrooms and champagne. The heat was on and had reached 108 in the East Bay, so we were heading into San Francisco to cool off (only 78 in the city) to see our friends Kate Johnston and Scott Hunt. (There’s so many side stories here)

So the main idea was to enjoy the beautiful view from Kate’s 12th floor deck, eating our fresh cracked crab, sipping champagne and watch the golden reflection of the sun in the windows across the Bay in Berkeley!

It does not get any better! The laughter, aromas, tastes and stories . . . I can only suggest that you take the time to spend with your friends and enjoy life daily. That’s what it’s all about. Take pleasure in the simple things and especially the family and friends that you have available for you.

In the long run, it’s the memories that make growing old so sweet!