Helping Hands

Melissa Swann, I member of Elite Leads returned from a vacation to Belize. While there she met several people from the US and recommended I contact them for the resources they might have in creating my school there. Isn’t it amazing how people just show up in our lives and help us get what we … Read more

Paying it Forward

Posted by Sharyn: Monday, July 13, 2009 It’s hard to believe the summer is half over and we’ve slightly more than five months left in the year. I know how busy everyone is and I hardly ever meet anyone who ever ends up a week with more time than things to do. I imagine there’s … Read more

Law of Attraction

Have you ever wished for something and had it happen? It’s the basic premise for The Secret and the Law of Attraction. What you focus on is what you get more of. It really is simple. If you focus on the bills you need to pay, you’re more likely to get more bills. Still, you … Read more