Info Junkie

I’m a junkie . . . no really, I’m an info junkie. I love gathering information and then try to figure out how to make it useful. One of the only studies conducted by the IRS that I found interesting states that only 1 in 8 people do something to earn their income that they … Read more

The Unexpected

Have you ever been going along living your life content with what you have created and then one day, one simple thing changes your whole life? I’ve been single,  no dates, no relationships for more than 13 years. I haven’t even cared there hasn’t been anyone in my life other than my brother and good … Read more


It has been a long time since I allowed myself to be vulnerable emotionally. I have been so embroiled in taking care of others and surviving for so many years, I have not taken the time to pursue any relationships other than those of friends. But we all know, however rewarding being with friends might … Read more


You do not have to make someone else wrong to make yourself right! I have been listening to a friend who is going through a painful breakup and it’s part of the job description to be a good listener when friends are going through difficult times. And I do so willingly, but to a point. … Read more