
The biggest challenge I have ever had is learning to be patient. I have been waiting for a month to receive a call about the funding that has been promised to build a school for kids at risk. The funds were approved the last day of December and were promised by March 31st. There has … Read more

Run Away

I was six years old the first time I ran away from home. We lived in the middle of 80 acres of state forest property and there were fewer than five homes within a mile of where we lived. I remember feeling as though anything had to be better than my home, my parents and … Read more

Bank Robbery

I went to a very small school in the very small town of Mendocino. It was a time when life was much easier than it is today for teenagers. One of the boys who was a year older than me and had grown up through the first grade and even catechism had been in many … Read more


Have you ever made a decision and realized at the time it was a pivotal point in your life? When I was a sophomore in high school I was a straight C student. I looked around and thanks to my boyfriend who was a straight A student I recognized I needed to do something about … Read more


I met Alley through a new friend I met in Denver last weekend and when we discovered we both had been given a gift of a process to help others overcome what they struggle with. Alley asked if I would be open to trading sessions, and of course I jumped on it! We had a … Read more

Info Junkie

I’m a junkie . . . no really, I’m an info junkie. I love gathering information and then try to figure out how to make it useful. One of the only studies conducted by the IRS that I found interesting states that only 1 in 8 people do something to earn their income that they … Read more


When I was growing up we had very little in extras and usually just enough to get by. We raised or traded for almost everything we ate. My father loved to go fishing and his favorite was salmon fishing. He would spend days tying roe in netting and we would help him as we sat … Read more

Brotherly Love

My brother Tony was one of my favorite people ever. If I could choose who to spend time with on the weekend or just to hang out, it was with my brother. He had the greatest sense of humor and always knew how to make me laugh. He ended up having colon cancer and was … Read more


I have to say this is one of the nicest holidays I have every experienced. I spent Christmas Eve with Ruby, her daughters Britney and Brinadette and their boyfriends John and Mike respectively. Britney brought a roast, we had mashed potatoes, dressing, and I made whipped sweet potatoes. We also had a lot of wine. … Read more

The Unexpected

Have you ever been going along living your life content with what you have created and then one day, one simple thing changes your whole life? I’ve been single,  no dates, no relationships for more than 13 years. I haven’t even cared there hasn’t been anyone in my life other than my brother and good … Read more