Book Launch

I’ve been so engrossed in my book marketing campaign I can hardly think of anything else. Yet life goes on and there’s those pesky tasks that have to be done every day. I often wonder if I should get a house cleaning service? I have no problem letting the dusting and vacuuming go for weeks … Read more


What would you do if you had more than enough money, time and no demands on you? Would you keep doing what you’re doing now? Would you continue to live where you live? Are there any organizations that you would like to support? I often think about those who are not capable of taking care … Read more

Big Moves

The excitement is increasing with every day as I begin to make my plans to move to Belize. The most difficult task is deciding what to keep and what is so important that I’ll move it. I went through my clothes this weekend and had a few friends come over to take what they wanted, … Read more

Quality of Life

My friend Ginger and I went to the New Living Expo in San Francisco yesterday and I had a great time. The first lady I met, Monique confirmed that I would be predominantly living out of the country by the year’s end. Hooray! that means, I can leave the Bay Area which is going to … Read more

Lifestyle Choices

Posted by Sharyn: Monday, April 21, 2008 Currently I have the fourth and the occasional fifth weeks of the month free of meetings and obligations other than speaking. It is a wonderful way of catching up. I get more rest, write or edit more, work on my websites and take time out to have lunches … Read more

Simplify Your Life

Tax day! For most people, a stressful time. For me, just a beautiful day that was 75 degrees and a delightful experience. I simplified my life much in the same way I simplified my taxes. First the life: In the 80s I worked in the big bad corporate arena. I was part of the road … Read more

Success Journal

I am always at awe . . . or ahh . . . I started entering events into my success journal again, no entries for two years. Did I forget or was it really that challenging? Either way, here it is, two weeks after my first entry in too long and now there are 39 … Read more


April is one of my favorite months. In the Bay Area we are so lucky to have the scenery we have. Every day is like being on an extended vacation and I remind myself how fortunate I am to being able to appreciate the beauty. Living in gratitude is one of the key fundamentals of … Read more

Beauty All Around

Spring is in the air and I love the change of seasons. This season always brings visions of growth, new beginnings and a chance to reestablish my priorities. What have you done during the first quarter that you are particularly proud of? Have you rewarded yourself in a special way? One of the things that … Read more


Have you noticed that almost everyone you know is going through one form of struggle or another? I asked my spiritual guide what was going on because these are major challenges. He told me that we are all being tested. I asked how long this is going to continue and he said that when the … Read more