
Have you ever made a decision and realized at the time it was a pivotal point in your life? When I was a sophomore in high school I was a straight C student. I looked around and thanks to my boyfriend who was a straight A student I recognized I needed to do something about … Read more

The Recipe

If you’ve heard of, you know you can get some great deals working with people who have an expertise that is beyond what you can find on a local basis for $5, but you have to offer a service or product for $5 in return. I have many things to offer and one of … Read more

Microscopic View

Consider the implication of this idea… What would happen if I were to follow you with a camera crew 24 hours a day 7 days a week for the first 100 days of 2013 while you went for your goals? I bet 3 things would happen…. You would START doing the things you say you … Read more


I met Alley through a new friend I met in Denver last weekend and when we discovered we both had been given a gift of a process to help others overcome what they struggle with. Alley asked if I would be open to trading sessions, and of course I jumped on it! We had a … Read more

Connecting with Friends

Today is my 62nd birthday! I don’t think I’ve had a birthday where no plans were made, no dinner, no friends! You’d think it would be sad, but the only thing sad about it is how my local friends are so disconnected from celebrating the milestones in life. But it was actually a wonderful day! … Read more


Connecting with people is one of the biggest focuses in my life! I have always had an innate skill of getting people to talk about what is important to them and what their dreams are. After San Diego, we went up to Irvine to be a part of a speaker’s event and I met Lizette … Read more


We drove down to San Diego on Thursday so I could be a part of a panel to speak at an event. I was looking forward to the event because I conducted preview calls for the event and had a chance to interview several of the speakers. That allowed me to build a relationship with … Read more


I love road trips and have ever since I took my first one with my parents, sister and two brothers, all of us stuffed into a 1955 Dodge with no air conditioning. We traveled from northern California to San Antonio Texas. My father would drive from dusk to just after dawn and sleep during the … Read more

Info Junkie

I’m a junkie . . . no really, I’m an info junkie. I love gathering information and then try to figure out how to make it useful. One of the only studies conducted by the IRS that I found interesting states that only 1 in 8 people do something to earn their income that they … Read more


When I was growing up we had very little in extras and usually just enough to get by. We raised or traded for almost everything we ate. My father loved to go fishing and his favorite was salmon fishing. He would spend days tying roe in netting and we would help him as we sat … Read more